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LiveWell Placements

Events and networking opportunities for Boomers

events for boomers

One of the benefits of getting older is having the time and (hopefully the money) to take full advantage of leisure activities. As a result, many companies are finally realizing that Baby Boomers are a lucrative audience and they are specifically catering to this demographic. There are wine and culinary events, music festivals, spa packages and more that are all being developed specifically with a Boomer audience in mind. This week, LiveWell Placements helps you explore just a few of the many options available.

Music Festivals

While many music festivals focus on a younger audience, there are a few in particular that have recognized the opportunity to attract an older demographic. One of the most successful was Desert Trip which was held in Indio, California. Artists like Paul McCartney, The Rolling Stones, The Who, Bob Dylan, Pink Floyd and Neil Young all performed at the event. Other festivals also focus on boomers like The Classic East and the Classic West which featured Fleetwood Mac, Earth, Wind and Fire and the Eagles. And jazz fans have not been forgotten. They can attend the Essence Music Festival which takes place in New Orleans each year.

Community Cafes

When you think of a communal place for a 50+ crowd, you might have a flashback of your mom playing bingo at a local rec center (not that there is anything wrong with that). However, the new cafes that are targeted at boomers are aiming for something a little different. For example, Mather’s Cafes in the Chicago area offer engaging activities like speed dating, wine tasting, and sushi-making classes. They also have a full menu so that seniors can simply come there to eat and socialize. Mathers may be on to something as cafes and coffee shops targeted toward a Boomer demographic are popping up nationwide.

Wellness Festivals

The health and wellness industry is “booming” and it’s not because of Millennials, it’s because of Baby Boomers. Having led active lives, they want to maintain that lifestyle for as long as possible and they are interested in learning more about how to age in a healthy and organic way. As a result, more companies are sponsoring wellness events to help fill that quest. Quaker Oats recently teamed up with Thrive Global to host the Quaker Rise and Thrive Wellness Festival at The Saddlerock Ranch in Malibu, CA. The one-day event gave Boomers the chance to learn about how they can empower themselves with healthy choices, as well as how to take advantage of new tools and technology. And this trend isn’t limited to events only as more anti-aging products and exercise programs are focusing on this audience as well.

In summary, there are more opportunities than ever before for those 50+ to lead active, healthy and fulfilling lives. For many boomers, slowing down is not an option. As John Espinosa says, “I keep moving because I don't want to be like my parents, who stayed home all the time. I think their health suffered for it." Fortunately, we live in a time where there is no shortage of ways that boomers can keep moving! Who knows — maybe Santa will buy you a ticket to a music festival this year!

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